Catalog » Carbide Burs & Diamonds » Dialom Galil Diamond Burs B2 Fine Inverted Cone 10 / pack Yellow ISO 805-018
Dialom Galil Diamond Burs B2 Fine Inverted Cone 10 / pack Yellow ISO 805-018
$39.00 $3.33
Dialom Galil Diamond Burs B2 Fine Inverted Cone 10  / pack Yellow ISO 805-018
Galil Diamond Burs were tested at the most prestigious dental testing facility in the United States, CRA. They were proven to be better than most well known, widely used, brand name diamond burs. (Brasseler, NTI, Two Striper). In lab testing, using “macor” a substance stronger than glass.
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$39.00 $3.33

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